As some of you know, I am on a current hiatus from all
things curd (thayir) related. This means, no more kuzhambu, no dahi anything,
no thayir vadai and no thayiru saadham. Yes, you read right, NO THAYIRU
For those unfamiliar, originating with the concept of paal saadham (milk rice), thayiru saadham (curd rice) has represented the southern cuisine for a long time. A lot of people tend to disregard this as a common food or as something bland and I am ashamed to say I was the same for a very long time.
The eye-opener was none other than a very exhilarating plane ride to India. My mother had made some thayiru saadham to bring with on the ride. I argued with her saying we are paying for their food and the airline company has to give us food and such precautions were absolutely unnecessary. My mother, as usual, disregarded my arguments and packed 2 containers full of thayiru saadham with delicious mavadu oorga (unripe mango pickle...yeah sounds better in Tamil :P ).
When we got to the airport, I was so excited to board the plane I forgot all about this thayiru saadham business. We were flying on Japan airways and had a 3 hour stop over at Tokyo. After watching a couple movies and reading my book, I started to feel a bit hungry. When I asked the flight attendant for some peanuts or something of the like, she replied that dinner would soon be served. Content, I fell asleep only to be woken up for breakfast. I asked my mom, what happened to dinner, and she smartly said, time difference. Grumbling I washed the sleep away and proceeded to hack my way through breakfast. About 3 bites into the food, I started feeling sick. Oh oh! My body sprang into action and asked for some orange juice and put the food aside. The orange juice helped my stomach settle but it didn't appease my hunger. Not able to shush my growling stomach and not able to feed it anything, I was insufferable throughout the ride.
For those unfamiliar, originating with the concept of paal saadham (milk rice), thayiru saadham (curd rice) has represented the southern cuisine for a long time. A lot of people tend to disregard this as a common food or as something bland and I am ashamed to say I was the same for a very long time.
The eye-opener was none other than a very exhilarating plane ride to India. My mother had made some thayiru saadham to bring with on the ride. I argued with her saying we are paying for their food and the airline company has to give us food and such precautions were absolutely unnecessary. My mother, as usual, disregarded my arguments and packed 2 containers full of thayiru saadham with delicious mavadu oorga (unripe mango pickle...yeah sounds better in Tamil :P ).
When we got to the airport, I was so excited to board the plane I forgot all about this thayiru saadham business. We were flying on Japan airways and had a 3 hour stop over at Tokyo. After watching a couple movies and reading my book, I started to feel a bit hungry. When I asked the flight attendant for some peanuts or something of the like, she replied that dinner would soon be served. Content, I fell asleep only to be woken up for breakfast. I asked my mom, what happened to dinner, and she smartly said, time difference. Grumbling I washed the sleep away and proceeded to hack my way through breakfast. About 3 bites into the food, I started feeling sick. Oh oh! My body sprang into action and asked for some orange juice and put the food aside. The orange juice helped my stomach settle but it didn't appease my hunger. Not able to shush my growling stomach and not able to feed it anything, I was insufferable throughout the ride.
When we finally got to Tokyo, I told my mom I was
starrrviinngg. She asked me, do you want a sandwich or something? Now, on a
normal basis, I would've loved a sandwich, but at that moment, I didn't want
any of that. I was nearly on the verge of tears and I looked at my mom and told
her I really just want to go home. It was then, that she handed me the
container of thayiru saadham. Looking at it, I started sobbing. Sometimes,
simple things in life can impact you greatly, and that day, thayiru saadham was
my silent savior. I felt right at home and my travel sickness was all gone.
I don't know what it is with this trademark, but ever since then, I have never questioned its power. I'm just appreciative. Now that college is upon me, sandwiches and 'American' food are unfortunately the highlight of my diet, but I know thayiru saadham will always be the staple foundation I can rely on and definitely my first priority when given a choice.
I don't know what it is with this trademark, but ever since then, I have never questioned its power. I'm just appreciative. Now that college is upon me, sandwiches and 'American' food are unfortunately the highlight of my diet, but I know thayiru saadham will always be the staple foundation I can rely on and definitely my first priority when given a choice.